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Bath Salts - Cottage Garden

$20.00 Regular price $20.00 Sale price

(Usually $25.00)

Bath Salts are a wonderful way to relax and indulge in the tub after a long week when you just need a little bit of "me" time.

This Cottage Garden blend is a comforting blend of traditional English garden scents - French Lavender and Victorian Rose - which make for an elegant pairing that showcases some of our most popular fragrances in one beautiful product! It is accompanied with some great botanicals to help boost the aromas, of which include organically certified rose, lavender, butterfly pea, cornflowers and chamomile!


Remove the lid and sprinkle your preferred amount of bath salts directly under running water; alternatively, you can use the scoop and bag provided to fill to the desired amount and add this to your bath water to steep (much like you would a teabag). This method should allow the ingredients to disolve but contain all the botanicals if you'd prefer them out of your bath - Don't forget to rinse the bag out afterwards and allow to dry completely between uses.

Always store your bath products in a dry location for best performance, and ensure the lid is secure between uses. If irritation occurs discontinue use and/or consult a health professional. 9-12 month shelf life depending on usage & storage.

WARNING: Bath Salts are NOT recommended for people with high blood pressure, or that are pregnant/breastfeeding - Consult a Doctor or Health Care Professional prior to use!

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